February 13, 2010

You Should Be Reading DC Comics 'Red Circle' Series (and here's why)

Mave here. How's it going?

NOTE: This is basically a post about these two books put out by DC Comics on a monthly basis now -- The Shield and The Web. I'm no comic guru by any means and I've only recently really gotten into them. DC is pretty much the only stuff I read, but the stuff I read I really REALLY enjoy. The Shield and The Web are a part of a bigger picture in DC -- they are a part of this new team of superheros called "The Red Circle". Slowly but surely, they're getting phased into the DCU. Unfortunately, the books aren't selling very well right now so I thought I'd just do this post to talk about them a little. Anyways --

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I have a friend who is a huge Captain America fan. For the past year I've heard him talk about all the great stuff Ed Brubaker has done with the series. Even if you're not a fan of Bucky taking up the mantle of Cap, I think it's hard to deny the quality that Brubaker tries to bring to the series. Killing Steve Rogers wasn't easy on anyone -- I'm not saying that like it hurt me personally, but killing any comic book character is never an easy decision. From what I can tell, Brubaker (and Marvel as a company) handled it very well and really elevated Bucky while paying tribute to the legacy that Steve Rogers had made.

Why am I mentioning this in a post about DC Comics? Because I don't read too much in Marvel. It's nothing against the company, but I grew up with DC and it's been difficult for me to find books on the Marvel side that really appeal to me. J. Michael Straczynski's run on Thor is FANTATSIC and I really love that, but I could never get into Cap. I always envied my friend a little because of the cool stories he was ready about a character that sounded like it had so much depth, yet (technically speaking) wore the banner of America on his shoulders without seeming...well...bad.

Sometime in mid 2009 while strolling through a comic book one day, I was just happened to look up on the shelf and notice this book. The cover caught my eye with how familiar the character looked -

I asked myself "What? What? Huh? What is this?" so then I reached for the issue and took a look. I bought the issue that very day with how good the art was alone. I knew nothing about the series or the character, but my reasoning was that "This is a new series starting up and this is issue #1. The character looks cool and it has a second feature. I'm sold." It was a purchase I have never regretted.

I went back to my dorm room, read the issue, and then found myself on various websites researching the character. I finally came to understand that this character "The Shield" was not in fact some random ripoff of Captain America that DC had just made up, but he was a character that actually PREDATES Captain America. The Shield is a character that dates back to 1940 (which, at least according to the Wiki, beats Captain America's debut by 14 months). I'm not spouting this off to act like "Shield > Captain America" or anything, but it just surprised me.

Apparently, DC had acquired a number of these "Red Circle" characters in a buyout and was going to phase them into the main DCU.

Basically, this was a chance to read about all new characters coming into DC with various new series and read them RIGHT AS THEY STARTED. It just seems like to good of an opportunity to pass up.

Right now, there are only two monthly series among the Red Circle (their group name) characters.

From left to right we have the Hangman, the Inferno, the Shield, and the Web.

Each month we have an issue with a main feature on the Shield with a second feature on the Inferno, plus another issue with the main feature on the Web with a second feature on the Hangman. That's 4 stories about 4 characters in only two books. Each issue is only $3.99, so you're technically getting 4 stories for only 8 dollars a month. I can afford that, and it's a purchase I'm making that I thoroughly enjoy.

Let me give you a quick rundown of each character to try and flesh them out.

The Shield is a human weapon (he doesn't like to be called a superhero). Joseph Higgins is a US soldier in Afghanistan who, along with serving his country, is doing his own detective work on the side to search for his missing father. While on the battlefield, he is seriously wounded and on the verge of death. To save his life, the US Government experiments on him and fuses a power-suit with nanotechnology onto his body. The suit gives him enhanced physical abilities in every department, along with flight (IE your basic superhero stuff). He is a very likable character because the patriotic vibe isn't shoved down your throat. The writers seem to know that this is already a guy wearing a giant USA costume, so the story is more about a guy with a big-picture goal in mind while going on these undercover military missions just for kicks.

Not your cup of tea? Then try -

The Web is a guy named John Raymond. He grows up as a kid with a silver spoon in his mouth. He is born into a rich family in the US with a brother who outclasses him in every way. Not only is his older brother compassionate, succesful, and just an overall good guy, but he loves his younger brother John. John looks up to his brother, but is comparrable to a male 'Paris Hilton' if you will. His brother tragically is killed, and John Raymond steps up and accepts responsibility. He takes the oppurtunity to put his wealth to good use and fight for justice. He cleans up his act and becomes the Web, fighting crime and actually maintaining a website called "www.summontheweb.com" to keep in contact with people who need his help.

The Web is basically this formula: Paris Hilton personality + Tragic death + Money + Guilt + Will to do the right thing = become a superhero called The Web.

Those two are the main "front and center" guys of the Red Circle books, but each of them come with a second feature in the Inferno and the Hangman.

The Hangman is a story about a guy who was around back in some old generic Western setting. He is more or less cursed by something that happens that makes him the Hangman, a guy who is there to deliver the noose to those who deserve it. He is reincarnated in the form of some Doctor in the modern DCU and when the sun sets, the Hangman takes over. He has some spiritual, dark powers and can hide in the shadows and do some cool stuff with fear. You can probably see where I'm going with this, but I promise this guy is much more intersting than he sounds. One of his first stories was going after some Yakuza guys and he fought a water demon thing. It was cool -- just take my word for it. You'll have to forgive me because his alternate identity's name leaves me right now. I'll get back to you on that.

The Inferno is about a guy named Frank Verrano. His past is very muddled -- all we really know about the guy is that he's been experimented on and was going to be used as some human weapon of some form, but he has lost his memories. He can completely engulf himself in flames and physically change shape to this more muscular looking form with a crazy looking mustache, but I swear to you it's awesome. He can't quite control his powers yet, but his story has been my favorite thus far. It's basically been one big mystery of him trying to escape from these people who are hunting him down all while trying to figure out his powers and learn of his past.

And that's basically it.

If they don't sound very appealing -- maybe they're not for you, or maybe I'm not doing them justice. I found the appeal to be in the fact that this is a new super hero team that is on the verge of forming and I can be there right from the start. The stories are great, the art is great, the characters are great, and it's just a quality product IMO.

Unfortunately, the sales of the Shield and the Web haven't been spectacular. Some more Red Circle characters are going to be phased in as second features in the books, giving the Inferno and the Hangman a break for a while.

If nothing else, you should at least try and find the one shots that were done by J. Michael Straczynski in 2009. He did a one shot issue for each of the 4 main Red Circle characters and basically set them on a course that their volumes would follow.

I just wanted to get the word out about these guys because I'm really enjoying it and I think there are some people out there who just haven't given them a chance yet.

Anyways, thanks for reading!


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