November 11, 2009

Borderlands: A First Look

  Listed as a FPS RPG this game at first sounds like it wouldn't work well. To many the style of RPG makes them think of Dungeons and Dragons and turn based combat and the FPS genre springs to mind face paced non-stop action shooting at anything that moves. To some these are things that cannot be combined, yet if you look at a lot of games nowadays you will notice that many genres are often cut up to combine other games.

Borderlands takes the experience and skill models from RPGs and puts them in the world of an FPS. You find guns instead of swords with various powers and strengths. This model works amazingly well and to (and The Captain) holds a feel similar to an MMO with a persistant world and enemies that respawn a while after they are killed. You find quests around the world and earn xp boosts completing them. I have only played through the first couple of bosses so far but the model works very well. The characters have an ability to recover if they manage to kill a monster after they are injured to near death allowing you to solo some of the tougher areas without dying too much. The game also has a revive system that deducts a specific amount of money as a penalty for dying.

I enjoy this game and plan to make a full review after I have completed it.