March 17, 2009

Resident Evil: Degeneration (Mave)

This little review contains some spoilers for Resident Evil: Degeneration. If you don't want to be spoiled, just read only what is posted after the final picture (which is just another poster for the movie featuring Leon and Claire).

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With Resident Evil 5 just coming out a few days ago, and my copy just arriving on my front porch earlier today, I figure there's no better time than now to review something RElated (Pun intended). I've been playing catch up with the Resident Evil series for a few years now. I never even played one of the games until the RE Remake came to the Gamecube in 2002, then I played RE0, then I played RE4 when it came out on the Cube in 2005. I considered myself a fan of the franchise, but only on the Nintendo consoles. I played the RE4 Wii port when it came out in 2007 as well as Umbrella Chronicles, but I never got to play Resident Evil 2, 3, or Code Veronica until just a few months ago.

I got a great Christmas gift in receiving all 3 of them for the Gamecube. I played RE2 first, then RE3, and I just finished up Code Veronica X literally a few hours ago. I feel quite accomplished, if I'm allowed to pat myself on the back. The games are very addictive and there's just something that really pulls you into the experience.

Now that I've explained my Resident Evil history, I also might add that I just recently purchased Resident Evil: Degeneration about a week ago. We as video game fans know that when movies are made out of our favorite games, they often times (almost all the time) never translate well. So, does this CGI DVD only release do the fan service that many (myself included) feel the live action movies failed to do?

What you may already know about this film is that it's essentially Resident Evil in an airport. Or at least that's what they want you to think. It follows Resident Evil characters Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield. The film takes place in 2005, and is one year after the events of Resident Evil 4. Leon has pretty much established himself as a Presidential Agent and must have impressed someone by rescuing the President's daughter because he's not being sent on some wild goose chase this time around. Well, he kinda is but that's beside the point.

Claire on the other hand, has given up the "fighting" aspect of fighting the Biohazards of the world. Sometime after the events of Code Veronica X Claire joined "TerraSave" which is more of a rescue group for those who are victims of a biohazard or a terrorist attack involving biohazardous materials. You might think of it as more of a peaceful role than that of Leon. She's given up gun slinging in place for helping the victims and family members of victims and such.

The movie starts out with Claire arriving back from India where she did her most recent mission. Long story short, a bio-terrorist attack takes place in that very airport at that very moment. It's worth noting that present in the airport is Senator Ron Davis, one of the members who voted on bombing Racoon City and has been believed to be politically tied to a lot of biohazard problems of the world. An airplane that was scheduled to arrive holds a passenger who was infected with the T-Virus, thus causing everyone onboard to become infected, and thus causing the plane to crash INTO the airport terminal. It doesn't take long for practically everyone to be infected. Thankfully, Claire has dealt with a situation like this before, so she rounds up the few survivors.

While a Special Agent Team is outside preparing a rescue operation, they call in an even higher up who is a specialist at this type of thing. You might know him as Leon S. Kennedy.

That lovely lady at his side in the above picture is Angela Miller, who plays a pretty big role in the film. I know what you're thinking, "WHAT?! This film is supposed to be about Leon and Claire!" Trust me, the new characters they introduce are good enough.

Angela, Leon, and a guy named "Kevin" go into the airport to save the survivors. We get a nice throwback to Resident Evil 2 with the first line Leon saying to Claire being "Get down" as he tells her this just before shooting a zombie approaching her from behind. Leon and Claire and the Senator and a few others make it out. Unfortunately, the Marine that seems to be juiced up and trigger happy, Kevin, doesn't make it out.

Now comes the political side of the film. Some fans might not like this, but I personally did. This pharmacy company, "WilPharma" was believed to be responsible for the attack, at least by Claire. They end up supplying the antidote, which is actually an antidote to the T-Virus. (Gee, that would have been helpful during the games.) Claire is confused, Leon explains some stuff, and this slimy villain of a Senator ends up eating it all up. He really is a real scumbag. Just the kind of villain that seems like he'd come out of one of the games. I can't imagine a character like Senator Ron Davis working well in a live action movie, but that's more of the reason to appreciate him here; because this is a treat to the fans.

Just LOOK at that creep. He looks like he's up to no good, and chances are he is. But because he's a senator and he's got the money, he's able to hide from being blamed. I could TOTALLY see this guy in one of the games.

I don't want to spoil the entire movie, but I hope I've hooked you enough. I'll give you the jist of the rest. Angela's brother, Curtis Miller, was a survivor of the Racoon City tragedy. His family was lost in the events and he became an extremist at being against all potential biohazard threats. He was once a respected doctor, but now he's just a nut with long stringy hair who's out for revenge.

Claire ends up befriending the WilPharma head guy, and they go back to the laboratory. Claire finds out they have the G-Virus (William Birkin from RE2) there at the lab! She gets a little freaked out and decides to alert Leon, Curtis is seen leaving with the virus, then a bomb goes off! OH SNAP!

Leon hurries there with Angela and now we have another biohazard situation. Claire is injured in the explosion but meets up with Leon and she makes her way out. Curtis injects HIMSELF with the G-Virus to show the world what WilPharma has in their possession, and ends up becoming a freaky evolution like all the other classic Resident Evil villains. It quickly becomes Leon and Anegla versus this new creature, and sure enough, a self destruct sequence is initiated during their fight.

Do they make it out? What happens? Do Leon and Claire get it on? Is the Merchant in the movie?

Well my friends, you'll just have to watch it to find out.

Perhaps I did spoil too much, but I just have to say that this movie is great. It's Resident Evil fan service all the way. If you get to see this and allow yourself to get completely enthralled, you'll see just how similar the vibe of this film and the vibe of the games are. I could easily see this translating into a playable game, and there are enough moments that are pure nods at those who played the games.

In fact, I honestly can't recommend this to anyone who hasn't played one of the games. Take that for what it's worth, but the more serious of an RE fan you are, the more you appreciate this. Whether it be the teased relationship between Leon and Claire, the appearance of Hunnigan, or even the appearance of a freaky boss at the end, this movie is very close to the games.

I know that some people will feel differently, and I understand. I guess this probably isn't the most well made film of all time, but if you are a fan of the Resident Evil series, you really shouldn't miss this movie. I honestly don't think you'll be disappointed.

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